Tara is a School teacher who never liked the way her teeth looked. She decided that Invisalign might be the right choice for her. This is her story in her own words:
“For years, I complained about my teeth moving and not being aligned in my mouth. Food got stuck and my teeth were grinding other teeth down. I was becoming more aware of the movement and it looked horrible.
About 2 years ago, I got an estimate for traditional braces but did not do it. Treatment was going to take too long. I felt that I was getting older and I did not want to go through that again! I had them when I was a teenager and never knew I was suppose to wear my retainer ‘forever’ so…my teeth moved back.
On a routine dental visit, Dr. Adrienne explained Invisalign to me.  It was a perfect choice. It took about 6 months for treatment. The initial visit was about 1 hour to put everything on and then other checks were quick. The office visits were convenient and everything works around my schedule.
The trays were durable, no food restrictions, easy to floss, simple to clean, and amazing results. And I can whiten my teeth in the trays, too! Best of all, they were never noticeable. People never really knew I had them in.
It truly was the best alternative to braces for me. I highly recommend Invisalign at D’Agostino Family Dentistry. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.”
Tara Michel
These are her pictures at the beginning, middle and end of treatment, Check out her great results!
Tara’s smile at the beginning of treatment
Tara’s smile midway through treatment
Tara’s final reult!